AudioDharma AI
Buddhism Meets Artificial Intelligence
An example of how an AI can be used as a front-end to a large and complex database.

AudioDharma AI is an integration of thousands of Buddhist talks with Artificial Intelligence. Given the size and diversity of these talks, uncovering relevant talks and materials can be challenging. The AI - named Sophia - acts as a guide to this material, helping people navigate to the most useful content.

i created two apps (Android and Apple) that demonstrate this technology at work. Give them a try, and let AI enlighten you!

Machine Wisdom
AI-Generated Wisdom
Machine Wisdom is an Artificial Intelligence that generates wise quotes and aphorisms. How best to live life, the search for meaning and love, the roles of fate, fortune and the gods, the challenges of loss, mortality and death - and much more - are all topics that it discusses.

Say Hello to QAnon.AI
The Coming Wave of Opinionated AIs
The future might not be what you expect. AI has started off nice and rational, but will soon begin to evolve in a different direction. Allow me to introduce you to the coming wave of new AIs - with strong opinions and attitudes.

AI Raps the Bible
A Fun Exercise using GPT3.5 and UberDuck
An entertaining example of what can be quickly built nowadays with AI tools. Here we have "Beat", an AI who has decided to rap a handful of book from the Bible. An amusing and original interpretation of ancient text, using modern Artificial Intelligence. Apologies to Snoop Dogg.

Nuclear War Map
Mapping The Impact of a Nuclear Attack
What would be the effect of a nuclear attack on the Unites States?

Using declassified targeting information and the known physics of modern weapons, these simulators demonstrate the effects of a large-scale war. You can see the impact of a nuclear strike on a particular target, or the overall impact of an attack on the entire country. These scenarios have been played out many times in cinema. However to my knowledge this is the first time a realistic physical simulation has been made public, demonstrating the effects of hundreds of nuclear strikes across a large area.

Mars Sucks
Let's Go To The Moon Instead
A short scientific summary on why Mars is a terrible candidate for colonization and how the Moon is a much better bet.

Audio Dharma
The Web's Biggest Resource for Zen Talks
Audio Dharma is an app that runs both on Apple and Android devices. It contains thousands of Buddhist talks, in the zen and vispassana traditions, from hundreds of teachers from around the world.

The app is written in Swift and uses SwiftUI. AI is used to create the transcriptions. I've open-sourced the app code for anyone's use, as it's a good example of how to build a system that delivers heavy audiovisual content, in a simple and easily-used form.

Image Extract
Image Extraction via Neural Networks
This tool allows you to identify and extract regions from images. Given a source image, you can extract people, animals, plants and many other things. As with FacePlant above, this tool repurposes Mask R-CNN, a deep neural network that has been trained to recognize images and categorize them into one of 82 categories.

Creating Art Videos
With TensorFlow and Transfer Learning
Did you wake up this morning with a hankering to morph your YouTube videos into animated classical paintings? Or into something wilder and more modern? If so, you've come to the right place. In this brief tutorial I'll demonstrate how to translate a video into art of your choice.

AI Meets The Bible
An Introduction to Computational Theology
AI has been revolutionary in many domains. What will it think about theology?

In this tutorial we apply some AI tools to the task, creating a basic system that can read and analyze the Kings James Version of the Bible. We then pose some questions to the resulting AI and discuss how it generates its results. Want to know the nature of God or the relationship of Noah to Jesus? You've come to the right place. Two interactive query engines allow you to pose your own questions.

Google Me
A Chat With The Apocalypse
Intelligence, goals and ethics are each very different things. Normally this common-sense observation isn't all that important. But what happens if we create a general super-intelligent AI, either deliberatively or by mistake? How will it define itself? What sorts of goals and moral code would appeal to such an entity?

Christopher Minson

© 2024 Christopher Minson LLC